Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What Are The Health Benefits of Drinking Oxygenated Water

Oxygenated water is water that is infused with oxygen. People who consume oxygenated water will get more oxygen into their bloodstream. This has a variety of health benefits for a variety of people. Not only is drinking oxygenated water a good idea for active people, it’s actually a good idea for everyone.

Oxygen water is water that has been enriched with oxygen. It contains extra added oxygen as compared to other types of drinking water. Producing oxygenated water is a multistage process, in which, firstly the water is filtered to get rid of impurities. Charged active oxygen is then allowed to combine with purified water to produce water enriched with oxygen. Unlike energy drinks that often contain a lot of sugar and other chemicals, oxygenated water is a pure mix of water and oxygen, and nothing else. Drinking this water containing high levels of dissolved oxygen is said to provide plenty of benefits.      

Improves Digestion

The friendly bacteria that reside in the intestines help in the breakdown of ingested food and promote digestion. As good bacteria thrive in oxygen-rich conditions, drinking oxygenated water may contribute in improving digestion.

Boosts Energy Levels

Boosts Energy Levels oxygen circulating in the bloodstream, you may feel more energetic, alert, and less tired during the day. Drinking oxygenated water can help maintain blood oxygen in the healthy water range. This ensures that your blood transports enough oxygen to the muscles and the brain, thus boosting overall stamina and well-being.

Desired Respiration

Oxygen is needed in the body in order for energy to be released from the food molecules. This is called aerobic respiration (the release of energy with oxygen present). This is the best way to produce energy in the body.When there isn’t enough oxygen present, what happens is called anaerobic respiration. This anaerobic respiration results in only a partial breakdown of food molecules in order to continue producing energy. As a result lactic acid is produced as well. The lactic acid causes us to feel tired once it reaches certain sections of the muscles and blood. Then once we are done moving, the body needs even more oxygen to break down the lactic acid. This is why we breathe heavily (pant) after exercising.

Preventing Viruses

The benefit to oxygenated water involves preventing other sicknesses beside a major illness like cancer.Oxygen in the body helps promote the replication of good bacteria in the body. These good bacteria help to keep best body safe from bad bacteria that will harm us and make us sick. In fact, pathogens (micro-organisms that cause disease) are almost never found in oxygen rich environments.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Cancer cells tend to multiply in a low-oxygen environment. However, by drinking oxygenated water regularly, more oxygen is available at the cellular level, making it difficult for cancer cells to live. This oxygen-infused water that creates an oxygen-rich environment may help protect the body from cancerous growth.the various oxygenated water benefits have not withstood the test of scientific scrutiny.

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